Our Services


Basic Manners

Need help with the basics like sit, down, stay, crate training, loose leash walking and more? This service would be for you.


Behavioral Services

If your dog is struggling with reactivity, fear-based issues or other behavioral challenges, I will create a plan tailored to you and your dog.

Puppy Training

Let me help you start your puppy on the right paw with puppy training. I will help you properly socialize your puppy, work on potty training and help you build a foundation for your puppy!


Pet Therapy Training

Is your dog a great candidate for Therapy work? I can help you socialize, prep, and train your dog for the Therapy Dog Evaluation Test. I have been a Pet Therapy Evaluator for Pet Partners in the past and for several years now an Evaluator for Alliance of Therapy Dogs.

Water Training, Retrieving, etc.

Want a water dog? I can help you achieve that. Maybe you just want your dog to safely swim in your pool, I can definitely help with that as well. Contact me to learn more about getting started.